A logo for a company called sow a seed

🌱 Hooray! See our Funded Missions! 🌱

Total Amount Funded: $51,182

or 10,236 seeds planted globally

Water for Women

Providing 1500 gallon water tanks to collect fresh water in small villages in Kenya. This fundraiser will provide very large water tanks to collect and store clean rain water; eliminating the need for current daily water sourcing journeys. 

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Our Goal:

A black and white drawing of a dollar sign in a circle.

Amount Raised:

B.O.U.N.C.E. Spokane: Hoops for Christ

B.O.U.N.C.E. Spokane uses basketball as a platform to share the Gospel. Our goal is to combine excellence in basketball development & excellence in the area of sports ministry.

We have been inspired and trained by the Hoops for Christ team allowing us to bring this important ministry to our youth in Spokane, WA.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Our Goal:

A black and white drawing of a dollar sign in a circle.

Amount Raised:

Kaylee Goes to Kenya:  Torchbearers International

At Angaza, she will spend her time learning about God's word, going out to serve with local ministries in Embu, exploring the local area, and visiting Kenyan churches. 

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Our Goal:

A black and white drawing of a dollar sign in a circle.

Amount Raised:

Justin and Krystal: YWAM Ghana

The foundation laid during this mission, facilitated by YWAM's expertise, is vital. It's here that they will grasp the tools, knowledge, and experiences that will guide them throughout their lives. Every lesson learned, every heart touched, every bond formed will be a stepping stone for countless missions in the future.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Our Goal:

A black and white drawing of a dollar sign in a circle.

Amount Raised:

Pukalani Mission

Uganda In partnership with Pukalani Community Church in Pukalani, HI; The LorMission 2024 mission trip will be a dynamic and multifaceted journey, starting with the team's arrival in Entebbe and encompassing a series of impactful activities across Uganda.

A black and white drawing of a target with an arrow in it.

Our Goal:

A black and white drawing of a dollar sign in a circle.

Amount Raised:

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